Families Belong Together

Our family preservation programs seek to stand with entire families to support, engage and uplift them so they never have to consider other options for their children.

School Year Support

  • Children are welcome to our Community Center anytime after school and often join us throughout the week. We also host a weekly event where children learn skills, eat a good meal, and gather together.

  • School is one of the biggest hinderances for parents hoping to support their children, and is often what makes an orphanage or alternative care so appealing. By supporting vulnerable children in the community with school supplies and other needs, we remove the barrier for school and keep families together.

Summer Camp

  • A 5-week program that has been recognized by the mayor of our town, this camp seeks to meet the needs of the families in our community. This is a safe space for children of all ages, where they are fed two meals a day and learn a lot. This relieves the pressures on parents during the summer time to provide meals they can’t always afford.

  • This is also a time where leaders who are aging out of camp have the opportunity to serve their community and give back. We love to see it!

Holiday Programs

  • The week of Christmas is an amazing time to learn about the reason for the season, to provide a special production for parents, and to gift children with food and other essentials for the new year.

  • What better way to encourage the family then by providing a well thought-out program for mothers? We love to do this each year and provide mothers with basic essentials they need!

Trade School

  • Our trade school teaches valuable skills to the people graduating school, aging out of our programs, and who are ready to contribute to their community. We offer: sewing, electrical work, plumbing, ESL and dance.

Emergency Assistance

  • The truth is, sometimes emergencies happen. Someone needs to go to the hospital, an earthquake has hit a house, someone had an unexpected death or issue. Our emergency outreach stands in the gap for some of these essential services and immediate needs.

  • We have worked in various places around Haiti. When the scope of our work is outside of our long-term relationships, we partner with other grassroots organizations to serve those areas.


  • We offer women’s health seminars, first-aid training, basic wound care, and more to help parents and teens feel more equipped.

  • We have various times throughout the year that provide medical care to children and families in our communities through the work of a local doctor/nurse. If their issues cannot be easily treated, they are referred to a hospital or clinic.